Co-op Membership

Become a member today!

Everyone can shop. Anyone can be a member.

Becoming a member of Maple City Market is an investment in a consumer-owned cooperative business that brings health to our local community. Join more than 2,000 of your friends and neighbors in supporting a local business that provides a reliable source of healthy, local and organic products while also investing in the sustainability and well-being of our community. At Maple City Market, everyone is welcome and anyone can become a member.

  • Invest in a local business that puts people before profit and supports the health and well-being of our community.

  • Help create a vibrant local economy that supports local producers, suppliers and other organizations.

  • Enjoy fresh, sustainable, and locally produced foods and products

  • Participate in a cooperative business where you have a voice

Member Benefits

  • Exclusive member discounts up to 10% on shopping trips during Member Appreciation Days.

  • Receive patronage rebates proportional to the amount you spent at the co-op during profitable fiscal years.

  • Pre-order case quantities and get 10% off. 
  • Subscription to our e-news. Receive regular communications including e-mail updates and member coupons. 

  • You can set up a pre-paid account to speed up your shopping trip. 

  • Opportunity to participate in surveys to help shape the co-op’s future.

  • Vote in our annual Board of Director elections.

  • Eligibility to run for an open seat on the Board of Directors.

  • Access to the co-op’s financial standing and future plans.

  • Invitation to the Annual Co-op Meeting to enjoy food and drink with the board and learn about the health and future of our co-op.

How to Become a Member

Complete a member application in store by signing up with a cashier. 

There are two share purchase options:

  • Make a one-time purchase of a member share for $100.

  • Pay for your share in five annual $20 installments.

New members will receive a member packet immediately, with a member card, exclusive new member coupons, and a reusable shopping bag. Your $100 share is fully redeemable at any time.

Co-op Governing Documents

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